There has been a DDOS Attack, We got notified at 12:00 AM (GMT), We had been speaking with the datacenter but did not want to provide updates as we had no real Idea of what was going on untill around 4:30 PM (GMT). The attack was affecting the whole switch as previous (This has happened two times in this month), We understand customers frustration and we are surprised at this.
They have recieved notification from the Upstream that they are not letting the nullroute be removed for another 24 Hours(From the time of the attack, 12:00 AM), This is generally standard proceedure when operating servers in Low Market Datacenters with a fairly utilized bandwidth pool. Although it is still not acceptable there is nothing furthermore that we can do on our behalf other then wait.
UK Location
We originally had a Quote for colocation in Manchester Datacenter but this was "non agreeable" to the new management that recently taken over the colocation Racks so we was unable to come to a agreement.
Another provider we found had reasonably better prices, Actually unbeatable as it was in the same facility and only a 29 Minute Drive. The servers was supposed to be dropped off today but due to this it may have to be delayed another Day.
Technicial Aspects(Skip this If your not a technicial person)
The server specifications for in the UK are as follows L5420 Proccessor, 2 x 1TB 7200 RPM Drives in RAID 1(We had a consistant Speed of 96MB/s on a Disk Write test), 12GB RAM Installed(Max 16GB)
The next builds are going to be in RAID 10 but all hardware is stress tested before being packaged up so maximum performance is in mind.
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